
Hi, I’m Greg

As  a member of the Asia Pacific Texthelp team, supporting technology innovation and implementation across the region
I aim to
inspire, lead and coach others to explore the possibilities that exist for ALL via technology
promote literacy and numeracy support solutions for all students
provide workshops and presentations for schools and organisations, and present conference keynotes and sessions

I firmly believe that saying

“we’ve always done it this way around here”

is dangerous!

embrace positive disruption

Help disrupt this dangerous way of thinking and watch the excitement of teachers being re-motivated.

Adding new technologies into the mix is powerful in driving this positive change…….this positive disruption.
I’m committed to embracing positive disruption and exploring the possibilities that exist for ALL students through the use of technology, wherever and however teaching and learning takes place.

See and hear me in action



2SERFM Podcast All things Equal

Digital Divides – Teaching The Future

Pathways14, Sydney Australia


I have been actively involved in education for over 30 years.

During this time I have worked as a classroom teacher, school executive, consultant, regional manager with the New South Wales Department of Education, Australia and as a technology consultant and coach. As the Educational Technology Manager for Texthelp’s AsiaPac Team, I help to make sure that the over half a million users of Texthelp products across the region get the most out of this technology.

I am device & platform agnostic – I use them all





What people have said

A light bulb moment! Greg articulated concepts but more importantly the application of existing technology that is simple and easy for teachers to adopt. — D Kahler
Great sharing attitude with lots of very cool tools, which benefited from incredible preparation. — D Noud
Great practical tips and reminders. Something tangible to implement. — C Sharp
WOW Greg, you all did such fantastic work with our teachers. They were certainly engaged, excited and after spending time with you they felt empowered. The program is working already!  — School Principal
We appreciate your generous sharing. It has been inspiring and enriching giving both of us much motivation to enable possibilities. — Education Department Director
Brilliant session Greg. You have inspired me to get off my butt and get all these ideas I have in my head into a plan and try another way. Thank you. — Literacy Consultant
Great day. SO MANY ideas! Recognition that “there is no such thing as average”! A big thanks to Greg! — Parent
Fantastic course. So much info to digest, but I am INSPIRED! Thanks Greg! — Class teacher
Thank you Greg for your inspiration and knowledge! So much I can go back and share with others! Has been an awesome day! — Class teacher

I get around. I present across Australia, New Zealand, Asia Pacific and beyond

Keynote, presentation and workshop topics

  • Cloud Scanning, Machine Learning, and AI for Personalised Learning
  • Dyslexia and Digital Technology: Empowering Students to Learn
  • Empowering personalised learning in diverse classrooms
  • Math engagement and motivation? The critical role of literacy, mindset and technology
  • The classroom of the future is here now, and it is blended
  • Reset – Literacy tech tools and student wellbeing. They go hand in hand
  • Supporting literacy in the blended learning environment
  • UDL and Edtech: Essential for success in schools
  • Unlock the possibilities
  • Rethinking inclusive technology for students with diverse learning needs
  • The dos and don’ts of creating digital content in an inclusive classroom
  • Literacy – Top 5 reasons to be digital
  • Practical strategies using digital tools supporting literacy and personalisation
  • Enhancing academic outcomes for all students using digital tools

  • Edtech Tipping Points – signposts to how we got to where we are today. What will the next tipping point be?
  • Reading and technology matters – digital tools to support the literacy requirements of school
  • Making maths and STEM digital
  • Demonstrating understanding and providing feedback – more than just pen and paper: Using learning technology tools to provide feedback and support personalised learning environments.
  • Promoting student agency for ALL learners using digital tools. An essential component for change in international schools.
  • 21st Century learners with diverse literacy needs – using technology to make learning accessible
  • Transparency and universal design: Technology no longer needs to be special, it just needs to be
  • Have you been disrupted yet? How technology drives change in the education of students with diverse learning needs
  • Try Another Way. Like it’s a Bad Thing?
  • Inclusive Learning Technologies Coaching for Teachers and Paraprofessionals
  • Inclusive Learning Technologies Coaching for School Leaders
  • Using technology to support students struggling with the literacy requirements of school
  • Up, Up and Away … Literacy Support Solutions in the Cloud

  • Supporting reading fluency with Google Chrome
  • Supporting reading and writing with Google Chrome
  • Is there more than one way to access curriculum content? Alternative ‘reading’ tools to support students with learning disabilities and difficulties
  • Toolkit for the integration of inclusive technology in classroom programs
  • Making informed choices, making the right choices, when using inclusive technology to support learners with diverse learning needs
  • Connecting ICT and Action: Personalised Learning for Diverse Learners
  • Engage, Include, Challenge me – Through ICT
  • Make Learning Content Accessible
  • Google Chrome: Apps and extensions for struggling students
  • Augmentative Reality: Can it really augment teaching and learning for students with diverse learning needs?
  • Reducing cognitive load and helping students learn through the use of technology tools
  • Making learning accessible: Maximising the use of technology to support diverse learners and the English literacy requirements of school

Conference keynotes and workshop presentations

  • SENIA Conference: International School Ho Chi Minh City, 2 & 3 March, 2024
  • Vietnam Learning & Technology Conference: Hanoi, 24 & 25 February, 2024
  • SENIA Thailand: Teacher workshop – Bangkok, 23 November, 2023
  • Catholic Education Canberra & Goulburn: Classroom Support Teacher Network Day – Canberra, 15 November, 2023
  • Department for Education, Children and Young People Tasmania: Support Teacher Forums – October & November, 2023
  • Deployed Learning Summits – Townsville and Wagga, Australia, 29 September & 6 October 2023
  • South Australian Statewide Inclusive Education Services: Inclusive Education Expo – Adelaide, 10 & 11 July 2023
  • National AASE Conference – Sydney, 12 & 13 September 2022
  • National Catholic Education Commission (NCEC) Conference – Melbourne, 4 – 7 September 2022
  • SENIA Virtual Conference – 3,4 & 5 December 2021
  • Australian Association Mathematics Teachers (AAMT) Conference – 29 & 30 September 2021
  • National Australian Association of Special Education (AASE) Conference – 9 September 2021
  • TAFE Queensland Virtual Conference, 20 & 21 January 2021
  • SENIA Annual Conference – Virtual, 5 December 2020
  • Pathways Conference – Virtual, 2020
  • ULearn Virtual Conference NZ –  7 & 8 October
  • Texthelp Festival of Learning – Virtual, March 2020

  • Student Experience Summit 2019 – Sydney, Australia, 12 November 2019
  • Australian Association Special Education ACT Presentation – Canberra, Australia, 7 November 2019
  • 2019 National VET Conference – Brisbane, Australia, 12 September 2019
  • AIS NSW Student Services Conference – Sydney, Australia, 2nd September 2019
  • Language, Literacy and Learning Conference – Perth, Australia, 3rd to 6th April 2019
  • EARCOS Unpacking Inclusion Weekend Workshop – Suzhou, China, 19th to 29th January 2019
  • Pathways14 – Sydney, Australia, 5th to 7th December 2018
  • TAS TECH 2018 – Tasmania, Australia, 24th October 2018
  • uLearn18 – Auckland, New Zealand, 11th October 2018
  • Making Maths and STEM Digital, Authentic and Accessible with G Suite – Melbourne, Australia, 18th June 2018
  • Personalising Learning with Inclusive Technologies – Auckland, NZ 15th June
  • reThinking Learning Conference – Singapore, 25th to 26th May 2018
  • Vietnam Technology Conference – Hanoi, Vietnam, 10th to 11th March 2018
  • ACAMIS Spring Conference – Macau 2nd to 3rd March 2018
  • FOBISIA Leadership Conference – Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 4th to 5th November 2017
  • Personalised Learning for Diverse Learners – Coffs Harbour, Australia, 20th to 21st June 2017
  • Global edLeadership Summit – Bangkok, Thailand, 20th to 22nd April 2017

  • 21st Century Learning Conference, Hong Kong, 2017, 2018 and 2019
  • EdTechTeam Google Summits – Australia, New Zealand and SE Asia, 2015 to 2018
  • AppEvents Taiwan Summit, Taichung, Taiwan 18th to 19th March 2017
  • Learning Difference Convention, Sydney, Australia, 2nd to 3rd March 2017
  • Learning Difference Convention, Sydney, Australia, 25th to 26th August 2016
  • EARCOS Teachers’ Conference 2015 – Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia, 26th to 28th March 2015
  • Special Education Technology Needs Conference (SETN 2015) – Sydney, Australia, 11th to 12th March 2015
  • TAFE Queensland English Language and Literacy Services (TELLS) 2014: Refresh. Refocus Conference – Brisbane, Australia, 24th September 2014
  • ISTE 2014 – Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 28th June to 1st July 2014
  • Pathways Conference, Fremantle, Australia, 3rd December to the 5th December 2014
  • Spectronics Literacy Master Classes – Australia, February 2014
  • Inclusive Learning Technologies Conference 2014 – Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, 20th to 23rd May 2014
  • SEPANZ Practitioners Conference 2013 – Auckland, New Zealand, 25th to 27th September 2013
  • 11th SENIA Conference – Jakarta International School, Jakarta, Indonesia, 22nd to 23rd February 2013

Schools and organisations

  • SENIA International
  • Statewide Inclusive Education Services, South Australia
  • Hobsonville Point Secondary School, Auckland, New Zealand
  • Tasmanian Department for Education, Children and Young People (DECYP)
  • Catholic Education Tasmania
  • Sydney Catholic Schools
  • Catholic Education Northern Territory, Australia
  • Resource Teacher Learning & Behaviour (RTLB) program, New Zealand Ministry of Education
  • TH School, Hanoi, Vietnam
  • International School Penang (Uplands)
  • International School Bangkok
  • Taipei American School
  • Morrison Academy, Taichung, Taiwan
  • Australian International School, Jakarta
  • Ministry of Education Singapore
  • New Zealand Ministry of Education
  • Australian Capital Territory Education and Training Directorate
  • New South Wales Department of Education

  • Tasmanian Department of Education
  • New South Wales Australian Association of Special Education
  • Independent Schools Tasmania
  • Victorian Deaf Education Institute, Australia
  • Lismore Catholic Schools Office, New South Wales, Australia
  • Sandhurst Catholic Education Office, Victoria, Australia
  • Catholic Education Office Sydney, Australia
  • Newcastle Catholic Schools Office, Australia
  • Department of Education Western Australia

  • Catholic Education Office Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
  • School of Special Educational Needs: Disability, Western Australian Department of Education
  • Lutheran Education, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
  • Northern Territory Department of Education, Australia
  • The Hills School, Northmead, Sydney, Australia
  • Yarralin School, Northern Territory, Australia
  • Canberra Institute of Technology, Australian Capital Territory



Want to talk more?
Well, let’s get in touch!